Hello there, I am Ronan and I am an Azure Developer based in Ireland.
Currently researching and developing Proof of Concepts at Tata Consultancy Services to bring new ideas and concepts to solve client problems.
Always exploring new technologies and expanding my skillset to bring tomorrows ideas to life.
  • Irish Computer Society
  • Coderdojo Athlone
    IT Sligo (2017 - 2021)
  • Class Representative
  • Tea Society Secretary
  • Games Society Treasurer
  • Computing Society
  • LGBT+ Society
  • Games Society
  • Irish Language Society
  • Internet Of Things
  • Digital Twins
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics
  • Machine Learning
  • Game Development
  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
Azure Fundamentals AZ-900
BSc (Hons) in Software Development - First Class Honours
BSc in Games Development - Distinction
2022 - Present
Azure/ Full Stack Developer
Research & Development of Azure-based Proof of Concepts with international teams to showcase potential features and technologies to be utilized across a variety of projects company-wide.

Responsible for Backend, Frontend Web & API development on current project.
2021 - 2022
Graduate Systems Developer
Experience with Full Stack development and a key focus on the use of Microsoft related technologies such as ASP.Net Core, C#, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure.

Other skills developed include front-end technologies such as Angular and React.
2020 - 2021
BSc (Hons) in Software Development
Grade: First Class Honours (Prize Winner Award)

Modules: (GPA: 78.75%)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Cloud Development, User Experience (UX), Advanced Programming, Software Application Security Testing, Secure Software Development, Strategic Technology Management, Startup Engineering, Project 400
WPF Developer
Design and implementation of Inventory Management System to meet client business requirements.
Provided range of functionality such as asset location, stock management and job tracking.
Migration of pre-existing data to the new system and integrating of barcode scanning technology.

Technology stack implemented:
.NET framework(C#), JSON, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), SQLite.
2017 - 2020
BSc in Games Development
Grade: Distinction (Prize Winner Award)

Year 1 Modules: (GPA: 91.41%)
Personal Development, Intro To Programming 1 & 2 using C#, Computer Systems and Networking 1 & 2, Design Thinking, Game Design Fundamentals, Mathematics 1 & 2, Game Design and Programming, Web Design Fundamentals, Internet of Things

Year 2 Modules: (GPA: 87.75%)
Maths 3 & 4, Requirements Engineering, Foundation Object-Oriented Programming 201 & 202, Web Programming 1 & 2, 2D Games Programming, Game Content Design 1 & 2, Software Dsign, Data Structures & Algorithims

Year 3 Modules: (GPA: 84.60%)
Software Project Management, 3D Game Engine Programming, Casual Gaming, Rich Application Development 301 & 302, Professional Development, Software Quality & Testing, 3D Graphics for Game Programmers, Project 300, Work Placement Substitution Project
Lab Technician
Responsible for a variety of tasks including inspection preperation, certification distribution, inventory management and various other day to day tasks.
Provided a base knowledge of the Non Destructive Testing (NDT) domain.
Portfolio Website
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Azure Full Stack Project
Azure Full Stack Project
React Project
Face Detection Haar Cascade
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Ghibli Movie Night Planner
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Mech Commander VR
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Guess That Pokemon?